Tips to Tackle Photo Organizing with Care
Julie Riber Julie Riber

Tips to Tackle Photo Organizing with Care

As the frenzy of the holidays winds down, January tends to be the time of year when we find our heads the most clear and our hearts the most full. You may also find that you suddenly have a full photo album from all of the memories that you captured over the holidays. Since they don’t take up much space, it’s easy to quickly accumulate a collection. Figuring out how and where to store them all is more difficult. The best remedy for this clutter conundrum is to make sure that your photos are organized. Follow the steps here to tackle photo organizing in your home and ensure that your best memories are preserved with care.

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How to Declutter for the Holidays
Julie Riber Julie Riber

How to Declutter for the Holidays

The holidays are supposed to be a season of love and joy, but for many of us, they also come with feelings of stress and a long to-do list. If you aren’t organized before the flurry of festivities begin, tasks may take even longer or seem too daunting to even know where to start. Keep reading for my best tips on how to declutter for the holidays!

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Closet Organization in 3 Simple Steps
Julie Riber Julie Riber

Closet Organization in 3 Simple Steps

When it comes to organizing your home, which area gives you the most grief? If your closets come to mind first, you are not alone. For many, closet organization is an ongoing battle. Luckily, there are 3 simple steps that you can follow every time to streamline the process and maintain efficient closet organization.

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Downsizing Done Right: Understanding the Process and Benefits
Julie Riber Julie Riber

Downsizing Done Right: Understanding the Process and Benefits

In our consumer-driven society, purging is not something we learn from a young age. There is always an opportunity to make new purchases, but there is less incentive to eliminate. We are not taught to dispose of items when they are no longer needed. Instead, we hang on to them because we believe we might need them someday, or we feel guilty about getting rid of them because they were expensive. The result is that many of us are bogged down by our belongings, and paralyzed by the thought of downsizing a home.

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