Closet Organization in 3 Simple Steps

When it comes to organizing your home, which area gives you the most grief? If your closets come to mind first, you are not alone. For many, closet organization is an ongoing battle. Organizing a messy closet can be intimidating in the first place, and keeping it organized may prove to be even more challenging. Items come and go frequently, changing with the seasons and the weather. To keep your closet under control and avoid wasting time hunting for your belongings, organization systems must be revisited often. Luckily, there are 3 simple steps that you can follow every time to streamline the process and maintain efficient closet organization. Learn more about them below!  

Closet organization

1. Determine the Contents & Purpose

Before you dive into the depths of your closet and begin sorting items, be sure to strategize first. Take an assessment of the items that are currently in your closet and set a firm understanding for the purpose of the space. Will you use it for storing anything besides clothing? How many items can you realistically fit in the space that you have? 

Make sure you prioritize your clothing that is in season for your main bedroom closet. You may be able to store all of your clothing (in-season and out-of-season) if you have a large walk-in closet. For guest bedroom closets, you should base your decisions on how much room guests will need for their clothes when they come to visit. Designate a certain amount of space for that purpose first, and then use the space that is left to store other items, such as extra blankets, bedding, or out-of-season clothing.

Closet organization

2. Purge & Donate

With a plan in place, the next step you should take is to purge items that are no longer needed, worn, or functional. Tackling this step before you begin sorting and organizing will save you a lot of time. After all, there’s really no point in sorting or organizing items that you don’t plan to keep!

As you go through each item, be honest with yourself and ask tough questions, like:

  • How many pair of black pants do I need?

  • Where will I wear this?

  • When was the last time I wore this?

  • Has this served its purpose? 

  • How does wearing this make me feel?

If the shoulders have a thick amount of dust on them, it is a clear indication that a piece of clothing has not been worn in quite some time. It is time to let it go. 

Do you still have giant shoulder pads in your blazers or shirts? As you purge, consider whether each item is in style and useful for your lifestyle. Keep in mind that many styles have changed and become more casual over the last few years, due to workplace adaptations and a surge in remote work during the pandemic. Your fashion sense and color choices are likely to change over time as well. Try on clothes if you are not sure whether you like them or how they fit. Don’t hesitate to ask a friend or seek out a stylist if you need a second opinion. If wearing something does not make you feel great, that is another tell-tale sign that it is time to eliminate it. 

Shoes should also be assessed. While it might seem glamorous to have stilettos like you see on TV, remember that what you see on the screen is not always practical for real-life applications. It is not wise to wear a shoe that causes any pain. You can eliminate any pairs that fall into this category immediately. There are plenty of shoes that are fashionable and pain-free! 

Consider donating items that you have purged to a charity that helps others get jobs. These types of organizations are always in need of pieces that their clients can wear for interviews and jobs. If you feel the piece of clothing looks like new and is in excellent condition, you can also consider a consignment store. However, do not be offended if they do not accept it, as they often have very strict requirements for what they will sell.

Closet organization

 3. Organize for Accessibility & Attractiveness

Once you have determined what you will be storing in your closet, you should also think about how you prefer to store those items. Your primary goals should be to make items easily accessible and avoid crowded conditions. Store items that you use frequently in the areas of your closet that are easiest to access. Top shelves should be used to store out-of-season items or items that you use less frequently, like sweaters, shorts, or swimwear. If your closet is small, try to store out-of-season items elsewhere. I also recommend a double hang closet rod to make your closet more practical and attractive. 

Most importantly, remember that closet organization requires ongoing maintenance, in order to effectively save you time and spare you from stress. These steps will guide you seamlessly through the process, whether you are organizing your closet for the first time or revisiting your organization systems to do some upkeep. When you’re finished, your closet should make you feel content and satisfied, not stressed! However, if you need a little extra help to get there, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact Transformare Organizing and let’s get started on the closet of your dreams!


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