3 Smart Strategies to Organize Your Closet

Organizing closets is a constant battle for many as items come and go frequently and it seems to need tweaking often.  This is how many clothes closets are and will continue to operate. 

The first strategy for organizing a closet is to set a firm understanding with yourself as to what this closet is to contain and what is the purpose.  If it is your main closet, it should probably be for your current season clothes.  If you are lucky enough to have a large walk- in closet, maybe you have all seasons in one closet.  If the closet is your guest closet, decisions on how much room should be left for guests and how much you will be using. 

The second strategy is to purge those items no longer needed, worn or no longer functional.  If the shoulders have a thick amount of dust on them, it is a clear indication that piece of clothing has not been worn in quite some time.  It is time for it to go.  Consider donating to a charity that helps others get jobs.  They are always in need of pieces for interviews and jobs.  If you feel the piece of clothing is newer and in excellent condition, consider a consignment store.  Do not be offended when they do not accept it as they have very set guidelines on what they will sell. 

The last strategy is to make your closet an area that is easy to access items wanted and to avoid having it crammed.  Top shelves should be used for items used infrequently or out of season items.  If your closet is small, try to store your off-season clothes elsewhere.  If it is feasible, adding a double hang is always a great idea and shelving to make your closet attractive.  You want to look in and be happy instead of closing the door and crying.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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