Declutter One Space at a Time-Kids Areas

Whether you are decluttering your kid’s bedroom or the play area, it should be completed a couple times a year.  Toys get broken, worn out and lose pieces and clothes get torn, do not fit or lose their appeal. 

Start in the bedroom with their clothes.  The best time to accomplish this is in early spring and late summer so the upcoming seasons can be restocked.   As the kids get older, they will care about what they wear and will need to be involved in the process.  Babies, toddlers, and early school age children are less concerned as you are the primary decision maker on what is worn.


Go through all the clothes to determine what no longer fits or is too soiled or damaged.  If there is a younger sibling to pass the items on to, make sure you label the bin as to what sizes are in it so they will be easily retrievable when the time is right.  Store those on the higher shelves so you are not taking up room for items you may need frequently.  Make a list of all clothes and sizes needed for the upcoming season to make shopping easy.    

Store linens for their bed in their bedroom so it is easy to make the bed.  Make sure the books and other toys located in their bedroom are in storage bins and easily accessible for the children.  Remove all books they are too old for to make room for the new ones. 

Many play areas are a part of another area of the house such as the family room.  To make these areas seem separate, it is best to use some sort of storage unit.  There are drawers, shelving units and cloth bins that can be used to make it attractive and have the declutter look.  Before you decide on what will work the best in the space, go through all the toys and eliminate anything broken, no longer played with and all toys with missing pieces.  Place like things together and then decide what type of storage would work best for the remaining items. 

If the play area is its own space, choose storage that matches the child’s age and height.  Make it easy for them to get their own toys and put them away.  Do not worry about lids as that just makes it harder for them to put things away, especially the younger. 

Lastly, labeling is a great way to help kids learn put their toys away.  For younger children, pictures can be used to start and words as they get older. 

Need ideas for storage, give me a call.   


Declutter One Space at a Time-Basement


Declutter Once Space At A Time-Kitchen